The vet and I spent a couple hours this morning with the ewes crowded together in a nice warm bunch getting the girls ultrasounded. The good news is all the girls are bred except Tammy – who I didn’t want bred anyway. We had difficulty getting readings on many of them, so Hattie is the only one we know is expecting multiple lambs. On the very last one we happened on an improved technique of laying the ewe down and turning her over. She became very docile – less movement helps obtain clearer images. I’m looking forward to just shy of a dozen lambs skipping around the pastures next spring! My best estimate is 5 off-white and 6 black. Maybe Fergie has read the rule book since last year… It’s quite possible there will be some bonus babies since 3 of the mature ewes twinned last spring.
Breeding Groups set for the Season
The babydoll breeding is hopefully over for the season. I used all 3 rams so next year I have the option of selecting a ram lamb for breeding to unrelated females within the flock. J.C.’s ladies are expected to lamb ~March 26th with the rest following within 2 weeks. I plan on having ultrasounds performed in early January so I can adjust the ewes’ rations according to the presence and number of fetuses.
These are the pen assignments:
J. C. is in with Hattie and Fergie with the goal of breeding for strongly dark fleeces.
Turbo was assigned Claire, Nina, and Olivia (the Claire Clan), but also bred Rachel and Sara. . . the girls’ choice.
Winslow had his way with Penny, Iris, and Rhonda.
I appear to have been successful in keeping Tammy from being bred (due to her late arrival (May) and, thus, small size). (Modified 1/8/2015)
Sheep and Fiber Farm Tour
The Tour this last weekend was a great success, at least in my estimation. I took my two youngest ewe lambs and a truckload of other paraphrenalia to Melodee Smith’s yak farm near Welch, MN (Clear Spring Farm) where she had a pen and yard space awaiting me. There were lots of interested (and interesting) people touring and I had a great time telling anyone who asked about my precious Babydoll sheep and the products they produce and help produce (fruits from my orchard).
It was easy for me to assume the role of Babydoll Southdown spokesperson for the weekend – with enthusiasm. I had assembled a poster that spells out the advantages of the breed and had it on display when the wind speed allowed.
My display also included rovings, combed top, and hand spun yarn from my flock, and some preserves made easier by my 4-legged groundskeepers.
The combined Smith and Anderson families did a great job of entertaining and educating visitors about their yaks. I was amazed at the delicateness of the fiber from these large animals. The kids handled their 4H food stand with skill and courtesy. The wares were mighty fine, as I can attest. I sampled extensively, but missed out on the yak meatballs.
I was kept busy with the number of visitors taking advantage of Saturday’s balmy weather and must have had my hands in my pockets on Sunday since I missed out on lots of photo opps of the yaks and the ewe lambs on display. I did catch a few photos of Larissa Walk’s lovely dyed wool items from her display and demo (see below) inside the most un-barnlike barn I’ve ever seen.
I’m already looking forward to next year and hope the Tour continues.
Flock gets clean bill of health
Results came back from the folks at GeneSeek today indicating that NONE of the adult flock members are infected with OPP. Hurray!! The results of the second test (indicating their underlying genetic potential to contract the disease) will not be back for another couple of weeks. Stay tuned…
DIY Shearing
Moonshadow, my grayish Shetland wether, was in need of shearing. His fleece was gorgeous – mostly bur-free and clean.
By spring it would be longer than most fiber mills care to handle – I’m thinking it was about 4″ long at this point. Over winter it would get dirtier as well. It needed to be done soon so some could grow back and keep him insullated over winter. I figured – How tough could shearing one animal be? I’d received a used electric shearer (Thanks, Meg!) so set to the task. I had tied him with a dog collar around his horns to the trailer hitch on my truck. Well… after uncovering just a 9 by 12″ patch of skin the poor dude was about ready for a transfusion. The blades were as dull as I’d been warned they would be and my emery cloth treatment apparently hadn’t helped.
I headed over to an Amish neighbor who sheared for me in 2013. He said he would do it but he was swamped and I’d need to bring Moonshadow to him and … I chose not to impose and headed back home. This time I took out an instrument labeled as an “antique, English-made” hand shearer, touched it up with the angle grinder and whet stone, and started in.
It took over an hour of being bent almost double, but I got it done. Periodic breaks to unkink the spine seemed to be appreciated by Moonshadow, too. I was able to pull the cut wool away from the work area so had very few second cuts, so the quality of the harvested wool is quite good.
I was glad I had the extra fiber length to work with. I wouldn’t want to do it with the shorter-stapled Babydolls, but know I could if I had to. I didn’t cut super close so he shouldn’t get chilled. The extended handling made him calmer (resigned?), not freaked out as I had feared.
The chance to have my own Shetland wool to work with in a couple different shades is exciting. I partially skirted the fleece until other duties intruded. It was easier than skirting the Babydolls’ – cleaner and over 95% of the locks exceded the minimum staple length for my processor (2″). I separated the wool into silver and cream piles so will have at least 2 color lots.
I’ve recovered to the point of considering shearing the other Shetland wether, Noir, too, for a third shade (black).
That means I would have to catch him, though …
Testing flock for OPP
Just when I was getting smug about being in a great position relative to the genetic resistance of my flock to scrapies – another disease hits my radar. Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) is much more prevalent and is eventually lethal to all flock members who contract it. It affects the lungs, the joints, and sometimes the nervous system, but symptoms vary widely and often an infected and infectious animal exhibits none of them.
A group at USMARC, a USDA research facility in Nebraska in conjunction with staff at UN-Lincoln have investigated the epidemiology and genetic resistance factors for the disease. They found a gene that they determined affects how the virus penetrates the membrane around living cells. They also found variants in the sequence of this gene that correspond to different levels of susceptibility – there is no absolute resistance known – yet.
Today a vet, her assistant, and I drew blood from the breeding flock to be sent for testing of their 1) genetic resistance profile and 2) whether they have the disease. The first test uses gene sequencing the second uses ELISA to detect the level of antibodies in their blood.
As a responsible breeder it is important to me to know the status of my flock and its members so that I can make appropriate breeding, culling, and marketing decisions. Lambs younger than 7 months do not test reliably for the infection status so I cannot know for certain their condition but can get some indication from their genotype and whether the disease is present in the flock at all, especially in their mothers. The disease is transmitted through milk and colostrum but also through mucus – sneezing and slobber on shared water containers, for instance.
The results should be back in about 2 weeks so I should know in time to decide the best course of action for showing lambs at the Sheep and Fiber Farm Tour on October 11th and 12th.
Whether I’m being paranoid or prudent will only be known in hindsight. Stay tuned for the results. If you care to learn more about OPP, there is a society to raise awareness of it that has a very nicely done and informative website.
Coated cuties will be on The Tour
On Saturday and Sunday, October 11 and 12 the self-guided, 2014 Sheep and Fiber Farm Tour will be held in southeastern Minnesota with options to stop at 5 fiber farms plus the Faribault Woolen Mill. Thanks to a couple of grants, the tour is free with the intention of informing the public about the associated animals, farmers, fibers, and products. At each stop there will be tours, demonstrations, and, often, items for sale.
Three or so of my coated (see “Lambs don fatigues” post) ewe lambs and I will be camped out at Clear Spring Farm. This 40 acre yak farm is located near Welch, MN. I will also have rovings and yarn for viewing and purchase. The tour is open from 9 to 5 each day. Tentatively, I will be there with the girls from 11 to 5 each day ( there IS a farm here that needs care after all…) For more info visit:
Click to access SheepFiberTourBrochure2014_LR.pdf
Lambs don fatigues (coats)
Today three of the ewe lambs were outfitted with olive drab (well… almost) coats to keep their fleeces from fading and getting infiltrated with vegetative matter. It was a bit 3 bearish – one fit a bit large, one a bit small, and one just right. I have a couple more for an off-white lamb or 2.
It was interesting to watch the flock dynamics. Sara, who has spent lots of time with Tammy, immediately snifted her and accepted her. But then the adult ewes got spooked by the coated trio and Sara had to run away, too. I’m anticipating they’ll have figured it all out by morning and the three won’t be pariahs.
I’m excited at the prospect of having cleaner fleeces next spring – both from the perspective of it being a higher value product, but also because it won’t take nearly as long to skirt them. I will offer the opportunity for fiber lovers to reserve fleeces as next year’s shearing approaches.
Meanwhile… hut 2, 3, 4 eat that weed and then some more!
Mabel Simple Living Market
I made it to the market this week for the first time. I’d replaced my old canopy so the sprinkling wasn’t an issue. Sara and Tammy munched away at the bluegrass and clover and got lots of attention. My offerings were wool in various stages of processing – raw fleeces, rovings and spun yarn. Between very enjoyable exchanges with visitors, I was able to actually do some spinning, too! The day’s earnings from yarn sales paid for the year’s market fees… and a brownie! And yes, that’s a dog on my lap. My pal, Joey.
Codon Test Results and New Rams
Wonderful news in the genetics department! All animals in the breeding flock tested as RR – meaning they will give a gene for resistance to scrapies to every one of their offspring.
The boys from Nebraska are due to arrive on Tuesday Wednesday. I’ll miss my baby, Quinn, but he’ll be able to be used as a breeder in his new home. Here with all his half sisters he’d need to be “wethered”.