Tag Archive | Wool Sheep for Sale

Cute & Cuddly Finn X Triplets for Christmas

Judi delivered a second set of triplets for this year – this last one on November 1st. There are 2 rams and a ewe. They are on track to have their vaccinations (and castrations) in time for a new home (and will be weanable), by Friday, December 20. I am willing to let them go at a significant discount to give some family a chance to love these little tykes and give them a life. They need each other’s company and should all go together. They will also produce lovely wool and give the new owners the chance to explore fiber arts – dyeing, felting, spinning, knitting, crochet!

The smallest ram is being bottle fed and all of them are friendly. Their names are Prince (purple coat, bottle baby), Perry (green), and Pickles (pink – the sister), but these need not be their permanent names.

NABSSAR lambs from SE Minnesota

This year’s lambs are ready to fledge! I have 3 ewes, 3 rams and 2 wethers available. The image below is how they respond when you come out with your phone to take photos. Very unhelpful. All are RR at codon 171 (Scrapies resistance), NABSSAR registration in progress (except wethers), and my flock is OPP free. UTD on deworming and CD&T.

Ewe Lambs

MN6805-0363 Nellie D.O.B 3/19/24 Twin – partial bottle baby

Note square stance, straight legs

MN6805-0342 Nadia D.O.B. 3/13/24 Twin

Pretty girl shown here with her attentive mom, Ivy. Mom is exceptional wool producer.

MN6805-0394 Nicolle D.O.B 4/10/24 Twin

Nicolle’s dad is Lancelot (black) giving buyer flexibility in color of her future lambs. Breed to white – likely white lambs. Breed to black 50% chance of black lamb.


MN6805-0364 Nolan D.O.B. 3/21/24 Twin

Mother, Georgia, is known for great fleece – long and abundant.

MN6805-0366 Neville D.O.B 3/21/24 Twin

Mother, Dixie, is especially known for great maternal traits – birthing, nursing, protecting.

MN6805-0385 Noah D.O.B. 3/31/24 Twin RESERVED

Mother, Nina, favored him so he grew up sort of as a single. We were fine with coddling his sister as a bottle baby and keeper for flock.

MN6805-0393 Nigel D.O.B. 4/10/24 Twin

Beautiful darker nose and legs – a tribute to his black father. This provides flexibility in lamb colors that can be expected from him. Strong with good leg positioning/shape.


MN6805-0362 Nelson D.O.B. 3/19/24 Twin

This big teddy bear was a bottle baby. He’ll be great for keeping a ram company when separate from the girls or as a pet and lawn mower.

MN6805-0389 Nikolas D.O.B. 3/31/24 Single

Nikko was the serendipitous result of an unintended mating. His papa, Matthew, was 5/8 Finn so Nikko is 5/16. This means he’s going to be a good wool producer with Babydoll spring but more Finn length.

Pasture Preservation/ Wool Sheep

We’ve had a serious shortage of rain over the last 2 months in southeastern Minnesota and my pastures are not growing back fast enough to support the flock. I’d like to see these 2023 lambs off to greener pastures within the next few weeks, so am willing to take a hit. Better that than the alternative for these young’uns. Friendly Babydoll X Finnsheep lambs bred with fiber in mind, of multiple colors and percentages Finn. Finn heritage makes the fiber lock-like, soft, and long. Babydoll component contributes loftiness and reduced tendency to well felt/shrink (and reduces tendency towards out-of-season breeding, browsing trees & shrubs, and bottle babies from too many lambs for momma to care for). Multiple options for breeding pairs/sets. UPDATE 10/29/23 all animals have found new homes.

Pricing replaces previously posted pricing, including quantity discount. Call or text me (715-220-1183) or email to swiegrefe@sbcglobal.net with questions or to start reservation process. Because of the pasture issue, prompt pick-up (before mid-August). Later pick up possible, but hay feeding premium may be necessary. PayPal payment is an option with additional 3% convenience charge.