
NABSSAR lambs from SE Minnesota

This year’s lambs are ready to fledge! I have 3 ewes, 3 rams and 2 wethers available. The image below is how they respond when you come out with your phone to take photos. Very unhelpful. All are RR at codon 171 (Scrapies resistance), NABSSAR registration in progress (except wethers), and my flock is OPP free. UTD on deworming and CD&T.

Ewe Lambs

MN6805-0363 Nellie D.O.B 3/19/24 Twin – partial bottle baby

Note square stance, straight legs

MN6805-0342 Nadia D.O.B. 3/13/24 Twin

Pretty girl shown here with her attentive mom, Ivy. Mom is exceptional wool producer.

MN6805-0394 Nicolle D.O.B 4/10/24 Twin

Nicolle’s dad is Lancelot (black) giving buyer flexibility in color of her future lambs. Breed to white – likely white lambs. Breed to black 50% chance of black lamb.


MN6805-0364 Nolan D.O.B. 3/21/24 Twin

Mother, Georgia, is known for great fleece – long and abundant.

MN6805-0366 Neville D.O.B 3/21/24 Twin

Mother, Dixie, is especially known for great maternal traits – birthing, nursing, protecting.

MN6805-0385 Noah D.O.B. 3/31/24 Twin RESERVED

Mother, Nina, favored him so he grew up sort of as a single. We were fine with coddling his sister as a bottle baby and keeper for flock.

MN6805-0393 Nigel D.O.B. 4/10/24 Twin

Beautiful darker nose and legs – a tribute to his black father. This provides flexibility in lamb colors that can be expected from him. Strong with good leg positioning/shape.


MN6805-0362 Nelson D.O.B. 3/19/24 Twin

This big teddy bear was a bottle baby. He’ll be great for keeping a ram company when separate from the girls or as a pet and lawn mower.

MN6805-0389 Nikolas D.O.B. 3/31/24 Single

Nikko was the serendipitous result of an unintended mating. His papa, Matthew, was 5/8 Finn so Nikko is 5/16. This means he’s going to be a good wool producer with Babydoll spring but more Finn length.

Babydoll and Finn x Babydoll Lambs Ready For New Pastures

All of the lambs have been born – with a total of 51 skipping around the farm! They are eating well from the creep feed and have even been out on pasture. All but the very youngest will be ready to go with hoof trims and both CD&T vaccinations (and castrations, where appropriate), by Memorial Day weekend. Some of the older lambs before then. I will also be reducing my Finn X Doll flock a bit so some adult ewes will also be for sale as well (with their multiple births they quickly outnumber my Babydolls). The Babydolls will be registerable with NABSSAR. I can offer breeding groups with the Finn X Dolls (Babydolls don’t get bred their first year so most folks don’t buy ram right away.)

Check out these website links for how to reserve sheep, pictures of available lambs, information on the parents and what they bring to the genetic pool, and the information about the wonderful wool of both groups. I enjoy mentoring individuals new to shepherding so try to be available to answer many of the questions that arise. I hope I can help you discover the fun of sheep ownership and/or add new genetics to your existing flock!

Easiest reached by texting 715.220.1183 or emailing

Cute, sweet, and useful – Finn x Doll lambs available for sale as pets, lawnmowers, & wool producers

Lambing is complete for the spring season and I have an abundance of lovely lambs available to new homes. There are blacks, whites, browns and some with HST (Head-Socks-Tail) patterns and some with extra spots elsewhere (piebald). There are multiple percentages of Finnsheep versus Babydoll Southdown to choose from – depending on your desired wool traits. The offspring of my 2 rams used this year can be bred to each other without inbreeding issues. I’m especially interested in seeing my bottle babies find new homes. They are THE BEST!!!! Below is a chart of the lambs sorted by color and sire (dad). At the end is a link back to the lamb page for additional information about their moms, siblings, etc.

These are just a few of the 39 Finn X Doll lambs. If you are interested in a particular color/pattern/%Finn/sex combination, let me know and I can send additional photos. Also click HERE to see baby pictures.