So that this doesn’t get too terribly long, I will only note circumstances of birth and baby attributes noted so far on this page. For parental traits refer to

All the lambs have arrived with 51 surviving to day 2 (2 deaths). The births are listed below in chronological order. For info on reserving lambs refer to

3/13/24 Ivy x Kerry (100% Babydoll)

Ivy lead off the lambing with 2 white girls, Nadia & Nala. Nala was significantly larger, but Nadia is a little scrapper and holds her own.

3/14/24 Fortuosity x Maxwell (lambs 66%Finn 34%Babydoll)

Tuoey once again blessed us with 4 healthy babies, 3 white ewes and 1 black ram. We are bottle feeding Odessa (pink) and topping off Odette (blue). Tuoey’s doing a great job providing the majority of the milk and night time snuggles.

3/16/24 Kenzie x Lancelot (100% Babydoll)

Kenzie’s doing great as a first time mother – a bit over zealous but that will likely mellow.

3/17/24 Janessa x Maxwell (63% Finn 37% Babydoll)

Janessa almost made us late to shearing. Thankfully we had good help. Attentive first time mom.

3/17/24 Flossie x Maxwell (66% Finn 34% Babydoll)

Flossie proceeded to lamb during shearing shortly after being shorn. More super cute lambs with HST or Piebald markings. 2 rams and a ewe.

3/17/24 Elly Mae x Matthew (lambs 75% Finn 25% Babydoll)

Elly Mae had 4 lambs. Her 3# daughter didn’t survive. We are bottle feeding the smallest ram, Oskar.

3/19/24 Jane x Kerry (100% Babydoll)

This older lady gave us twins again and is very attentive. Her milk was late to come in so we’ve begun bottle supplementing them.

3/19/24 Daria x Matthew (69% Finn 31% Babydoll)

From her size we thought either 1) she would lamb a week earlier or, 2) she would have 5 lambs. She gave us 4 healthy boys totaling over 29 pounds of baby! Oliver’s coloring proved Matthew is carrying brown.

3/21/24 Georgia x Lancelot (100% Babydoll)

Georgia insisted on lambing in the middle of the night, but we forgave her when we saw her 2 fine sons, Nolan & Norris.

3/21/24 Dixie x Kerry (100% Babydoll)

Dixie, in contrast, gave birth around 3:00 in the afternoon. She bore 2 sons as well – hers white, but second one died.

3/22/24 Mara x Matthew (69% Finn 31% Babydoll)

Mara’s tiny udder had us fooled into thinking her due date was a ways off – SURPRISE! 2 tiny sons the larger 5# (Oppenheimer a.k.a Opie), the smaller 3.8# (Obediah).

3/22/24 Daphne x Matthew (69% Finn 31% Babydoll)

Daphne was a champ – having her trio up and mostly dry when we found them. She was nursing them all, but smallest (ewe) was not gaining well so we are “topping her off”. Black ram = Onyx, Brown ram = Orion, Brown ewe = Odyssey. Note: markings on his head could mean snowflake obsidian vs. Onyx would be better name.

3/23/24 Judi x Maxwell (72% Finn 28% Babydoll)

This tiny little mom popped out 3 “mini me”s. Lovely fleeces on these girls! More photos pending…

3/23/24 Harriet x Maxwell (lambs 63% Finn 37% Babydoll)

Harriet (a.k.a Princess) found herself a sunny corner and birthed two beautiful girls.

3/24/24 Deone x Matthew (lambs 57% Finn 43% Babydoll)

Deone chose to lamb during a snow storm. Luckily the vet was not too far away and could help extract her sizeable trio. Black ewe/ White ram/ Black ram. Names and further photos pending…

3/28/24 Heliana x Matthew (lambs 63% Finn 37% Babydoll)

Heliana took forever to deliver her babies, but her threesome is absolutely lovely – 2 boys and a girl. I will be retaining all three to watch what happens to brown when her fading gene effects it and whether it is dominant or recessive.

3/29/24 Dayna x Lancelot (100% Babydoll)

Dayna had herself a big ram lamb at 10 1/2 pounds. He’s quite independent.

3/31/24 Nina x Kerry (100% Babydoll)

Nina made it easy on herself and had her kids before they got too large. Boy & girl. I’m reserving Nora.

3/31/24 Marla

Marla’s new to all this and we almost missed her one lamb as she had left it many feet away in the pen. She’s figured it out now – the two girls are her shadows.

3/31/24 Lindsey x Kerry or Matthew (100 or 38% Babydoll? testing paternity)

Lindsey did well in her first lambing – producing a 7.7# baby boy.

4/1/24 Marissa x Maxwell (lambs 69% Finn and 31% Babydoll)

I was surprised to see 2 colored sheep produce white lambs, but what do I know?

4/4/24 Libby x Kerry or Matthew (100 or 38%% Babydoll – testing paternity)

This little girl and Linsey’s boy have ears larger than I would expect for pure Babydoll so I am having paternity tests run. Remember these girls were not to be bred but 2 “visitations” were recorded (too close together to be definitive).

4/10/24 Isabelle x Kerry (or Lancelot) (100% Babydoll – paternity testing under way)

This little lady surprised us with a ewe lamb a couple of hours after the delivery of a ram. Well done, Isabelle! A great end to the lambing season.
