The girls started the season in fine form with 13 lambs born the first 7 days. Below are the dates, names and assundry factoids of this year’s lamb crop. I’m expecting all but 3-4 will be available for sale as pets, great fiber producers, and flock starters. For families looking for breeding pairs, in most cases the ewe lambs sired by one ram (Hein or Jiminy) can be bred by ram lambs sired by the other. They are listed chronologically by birth date/time.
3/8/23 Elly Mae x Hein (lambs 82% Finn 18% Babydoll)
She started us off shortly before midnight on the 8th – 3 days earlier and one baby more than expected. Her fourth lamb, little Marika was not viable.

3/11/23 Hermione x Jiminy (lambs 75% Finn 25% Babydoll)
Hermione again lambs right at the start of the season with Brown/HST (Head-Socks-Tail) twins.

3/13/23 Fortuosity x Hein (lambs 69% Finn 31% Babydoll)
Tuoey had one hidden from ultrasound view making 4 lambs, one born in breech position that she delivered without assistance! She is Super Mamma! We are bottle feeding Mario, her breech baby.

3/14/23 Deone x Jiminy (lambs 62.5% Finn 27.5% Babydoll)
Naturally, since I was hoping to select one of next year’s rams from her, Deone delivered 3 ewes. But they are delightful little waifs and I am very happy to have them.

3/15/23 Brea x Hein (lambs 62.5% Finn 27.5% Babydoll)
Brea is so low key we have a hard time deciding if it is old age (she is 7), low blood sugar or just a laid back personality. She delivered a lovely trio of lambs, 2 girls and 1 boy.

3/15/23 Daphne x Jiminy (lambs are 75%Finn 25%Babydoll)
Daphne surprised us with a bonus 4th lamb not viewed on the ultrasound. She did her mom one better and not only had a girl of each color but a white ram to boot! We are topping off the foursome so they are well socialized for pets.

3/16/23 Harriet x Jiminy (lambs 69% Finn 31% Babydoll)
Harriet (a.k.a Princess) had us fooled. We helped pull her giant daughter and called it good. We returned to find she had popped out an even larger boy all by herself (not noted on ultrasound). All are doing well.

3/16/23 Fannie Mae x Hein (lambs 75% Finn 25% Babydoll)
Fannie Mae is concentrating her considerable mothering skills on a single lamb this year… a fluffy all black girl named Mara.

3/18/23 Francesca x Hein (lambs 75% Finn 25% Babydoll)
Francesca is known for not being your usual ewe. This year she produced an unusual piebald son – and 2 lovely white daughters.

3/19/23 Flossie x Hein (lambs 69% Finn 31% Babydoll)
Flossie keeps producing the absolute cutest kids. This year all Black/HST “Mini Mes”. We are enjoying topping off little Minnie. ‘mperial is named for the sink that saved her with a warm bath her first day.

3/22/23 Becka X Hein (lambs 63% Finn 37% Babydoll)
Becka continued the trend of providing a bonus baby beyond what was detected in the ultrasound. She didn’t care for Maddie after she received her warm water bath so we gladly accepted the responsibility.

3/24/23 Judi x Jiminy (lamb 79% Finn 21% Babydoll)
First time mother did a dandy fine job birthing, nursing, and tending her lovely look-alike daughter, Molly.

3/27/23 Heliana X Jiminy (lambs 69% Finn 31% Babydoll)
Heliana also gave us a bonus baby. Mowgli was half the size of his siblings and we were never certain he was going to survive. Now he is a very active and demanding bottle baby that keeps up with the rest in the greenhouse.

3/29/23 Emlyn X Jiminy (lambs 63% Finn 37% Babydoll)
Emlyn squeezed in under the wire and all Finn x Dolls were born in March. She birthed 2 handsome sons – one of which will be PPF’s colored ram for 2023-24 season.