As of mid-December the rams have been in with the ewes for about 3 cycles now. Ultrasounds taken on December 6th indicate over 75% have been bred long enough that they show up on the scans. I’m listing the breeding pens below, starting with the ram in each of the 4 pens followed by his ladies. I’m running a black and a white Babydoll ram and a black and a white Finn X Babydoll ram. I’ve indicated the probability of the color of the resultant lambs will be to the best of my knowledge. We’ll see how close I get! The first lambs are expected around March 11th. The gestation period for Finns is shorter than for Babydolls so they are expected to lead the pack. There were a couple of ewes either not bred or bred so recently that the fetuses were not detectable. I will do another round of ultrasounds between Christmas and New Years to get updated info on those girls.

Hein (White covering Black & Brown; 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll)

Hein was a tiny dude last year – his first year as stud, but he got the job done, producing quite the variety of white, black and brown lambs. He’s a big guy this year and bred all but one of his ladies right away.

Becka (Black/HST carrying Brown; 50% Finn/ 50% Babydoll

She’s an attentive mom, births and nurses her off-spring well, and produces an awesome fleece. Becka is sticking to 2 lambs again this year and they are expected to arrive around March 13th. Color Probability for Each Lamb: 50% White, 38% Black, 12% Brown. Lambs will be 62.5% Finn/ 37.5% Babydoll.

Brea (White – carrying black and brown; 50% Finn/ 50% Babydoll)

Brea is Becka’s half sister and they frequently lamb within a day or two of each other. Brea was bred right away AND is carrying an additional lamb (3) so she may precede Becka by more than 2 days – March 11th or earlier. She’s a very protective yet mellow mother, often barricading her kids in a corner. She handles triplets super well on her own. We’ll only interfere if there is a significant size differential and somebody can’t compete.

Elly Mae (White; 88% Finn/ 12% Babydoll)

Elly Mae had the most delightful quartet in 2022 – all white. Paired again with Hein the color chances are 75% white, 19% black, 6% brown. She has the greatest % Finn of any of the flock. Note the somewhat larger ears on her kids. She’s expecting three around March 13.

Francesca (Black/HST; 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll)

She has bragging rights to 2 things right now – her son is the black Finn x ram for the season and she has the deepest black fleece of the whole flock – and she is going on 4 years! She is expecting 2 lambs around March 20th. They will be 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll and color chances are 50% white, and practically 50% black. She has a 50% chance of carrying brown but only 50% chance of passing it to any lamb and Hein has 50% chance of contributing his brown gene, and you need both at once to get brown so we are down to 6% chance of a brown lamb from them.

Fannie Mae (White carrying black & brown; 75% Finn/ 25% BDS)

She had triplets in 2022 but is backing off to 1 for the coming season per the ultrasound. It is expected around March 15th, will be 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll. It’s color chances: 75% white-19% black-6% brown

Flossie (Black/HST carrying brown; 69% Finn/ 31% Babydoll)

This lady is more petite than her flock mates and has tiny babies, too. She is expecting 2 lambs around March 22nd. She had the cutest little girl with Hein last year that ended up going to Rhode Island. I’m hoping for a repeat that I can keep. Lambs will be 72% Finn/ 28% Babydoll. Color chances are: 50% white 38% black and 12% brown – probably with the HST (Head, Socks, & Tail) markings.

RAM – Jiminy (Black carrying brown; 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll)

Jiminy is a little character – he likes to nibble on pant legs and zippers and his voice hasn’t dropped yet. He’s doing a good job covering the girls, though, with only one not bred or too recent to tell. I’m hoping this dude inherited his mom’s no-fade gene. Problem is we have to wait to find out. . .

Daria (Black carrying Brown; 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll)

Beautiful Daria has decided to be a bit more reasonable this year and admit her limitations. She’s had 2 sets of quints in the past. In 2022 at least, 2 survived, but it took a lot out of her. She’s expecting twins this go ’round about March 13th. Babies will be 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll; 75% chance of being black 25% brown.

Daphne (Brown; 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll)

Daphne had three lovely brown daughters spring 2022 – and she does a great job of birthing and nursing them. I’m curious to see what the hoped-for non-fading gene from Jiminy would do combined with her brown coloring. Lovely fleece, sweet disposition, comes when she is called – what’s not to love?

Deone (Black carrying brown; 50% Finn/ 50% Babydoll)

Deone didn’t conceive until around shearing day last season, but her surprise twin girls are a real treat. She has a lovely, soft & long fleece that is slowly fading. She’s expecting another 2 lambs around March 13th. They will be 62.5% Finn/ 37.5% Babydoll and color chances are 75% black, 25% brown.

Emlyn (Black carrying brown; 50% Finn/ 50% Babydoll)

Another great fleece producer – this one fading beautifully! Just one lamb found with the ultrasound and arrival expected to be around March 25th. Lamb will be 62.5% Finn/ 37.5% Babydoll and 75% chance of being black and 25% chance of being brown. Probability of HST unknown.

Harriet (White, color genes unknown; 62.5%Finn/ 37.5%Babydoll)

Harriet (a.k.a Princess) was another girl kept celibate. . . until shearing day last season. Her little Jewel didn’t make it, but we’re hoping things go better for her this time. She’s expecting one lamb around 3/14. This pairing will help me figure out if she is carrying a brown gene or not. If she is, there is a 25% chance that she’ll have a brown baby with Jiminy. It will be 69% Finn/ 31% Babydoll.

Hermione (White, color(s) unknown; 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll)

Hermione was big for her age and was bred last year – giving us a white ram. This year she is expecting 2 around March 11th. Her kids will be 75% Finn/ 25% Babydoll – 50% chance of white, and 50% chance not white. Nice heavy fleeces (6 months each) from her in spite of pregnancy and nursing.

Heliana (Black 75% prob. carrying brown; 63%Finn/37%Babydoll)

Yes, another surprise delivery from this one in August, too. Little Jessie was premature, but, unlike his brother, he survived. Heliana had amazing spring and fall fleeces. Heliana (a.k.a. Sunshine) is expecting 2 lambs around March 22nd. Lambs will be 69% Finn/ 31% Babydoll and have at least 75% chance of being black. With 2 lambs, we will have twice as great a chance to see if she is carrying brown.

Judi (White color?; 82% Finn/ 18% Babydoll)

Because Judi has so much Finn blood, we are breeding her her first year – and she is practically full grown. She has a wonderful Finn-type fleece and I’m hoping her babies will be as precious as her mom’s were. She is expecting just one and it has a 50% chance of being white and 50% chance of being not white – at least 37% chance of being black and perhaps more.

RAM Kerry (White carrying black; 100% Babydoll)

Kerry’s mom is black, which tells me he has only one white gene and therefore some black lambs can result from these breedings of white girls – as they also possess just one white gene in many cases. Although not quite scientifically correct , if they have just one white gene, I say they are carrying black.

La Nina (White carrying Black; 100% Babydoll)

Nina was bred a bit later than usual, so her twins are expected to be born around March 28th. Each has 75% chance of being white and 25% chance of being black. Nina has great conformation, a heavy & longish fleece, and sparse facial wool. She births and nurses well on her own though she will be 10 at lambing!

Jane (White and possibly 2 white genes; 100% Babydoll)

Jane takes her time about things – waiting a week after Kerry arrived to breed, but continues to produce twins for me. Her 2023 lambs are expected around March 22nd. Last year’s were huge, so I hope she doesn’t retain them as long this go ’round.

Sara (White carrying black; 100% Babydoll)

Sara is a life-long favorite since she debuted in 2014. She has a heavy and long fleece and produces lovely lambs. She had her 2022 daughter by C-section so I hope the single she is carrying this year ends up a bit smaller. Lamb is expected March 31st and has a 75% chance of being white and 25% chance of being black.

Dixie (White carrying black; 100% Babydoll)

Dixie is Sara’s daughter and they frequently end up in the same breeding pen as buddies. She has moderate wool covering her face and also great conformation. She is expecting just one babe around March 31st. It has a 75% chance of being white and 25% chance of being black.

Estelle (White carrying black; 100% Babydoll)

Estelle is low on the dominance ladder, but has trained her keepers to give her her grain by hand so she needn’t fight for it. She is slightly smaller than the other ewes. She gave me twin girls in 2022, but shows only a single for next spring. Baby is expected around April Fool’s Day… maybe she has another hidden in her as a surprise??? Lamb color is 75% likely to be white and 25% likely to be black.

Ivy (White – that’s all I know; 100% Babydoll)

This will be Ivy’s first pregnancy – when she conceives. She is expecting just one lamb around March 25th. She is a big girl for being 2 at lambing. She could carry 2, even. More likely than the others to have white lambs but her dad carried black, so she has 50% chance of being a carrier and 50% chance of passing black on to any one off-spring.

Isabelle (White ?; 100% Babydoll)

This girl was born later in the summer and grew up out on pasture. She’s independent – even from her mom, Estelle. She’s also a first timer to lamb. She’s smaller than Ivy but maybe that’s because Ivy is large or maybe, being younger (by 2 months), she hasn’t caught up. Her lamb – expected March 25th, has at least a 75% chance of being white.

RAM Bennet (Black; 100% Babydoll)

This is Bennet’s second and final season as black stud, so we are hoping things improve. The 2 ultrasounds showed he has successfully bred just two of his 5 assigned ewes. We are hoping the lambs were just too recently conceived to show up. A third ultrasound session is planned and Kerry will be turned in with the Black ewes. Bennet is fuzzy-faced and gave me some lovely and vigorous lambs last season.

Bashful (Black; 100% Babydoll)

Bashful has a beautiful, very light gray fleece and usually produces twins with ease. Not showing yet so lamb(s) will arrive in April or later. Bashful has a more open face, i.e. not fuzzy-faced. She and Bennet (also black) produced a white lamb last spring – can’t explain that AT ALL!

Dayna (Black; 100% Babydoll)

This is Nina’s daughter and shares her great fleece qualities. She is open faced, but when paired with Bennet the results are moderate face wool. Dayna is expecting one lamb around April 2nd.

Doris (Black; 100% Babydoll)

She also produced a white lamb (twin) with Bennet (black) – so something is going on I can’t explain. Doris has a flowing tail and yellow ear tag, so she’s easy to ID in the field. No lambs yet…

Eleanor (Black; 100% Babydoll)

This girl is long and low and is keeping a very dark fleece. Her face-covering is moderate and as yet, no lambs on the way.

Georgia (Black; 100% Babydoll)

Georgia is expecting only one lamb – around March 17th. She is from a great fleece line (Claire’s) and is currently the best black fleece producer of the Babydolls. Usually she produces great babies, too! Her son, Kerry was chosen to sire this season’s white lambs and he’s done well on percentage bred if not numbers. I’ve been told that’s the ewe’s responsibility, though.

That’s it for this year’s pairings. For information on reserving an animal (or 3) click here.
