There were some issues with some black ewes not conceiving so the number of Babydoll lambs arriving this spring will be less than usual. As of April 19th – all ewes have delivered and I have a good number of ewe lambs available – but my only ram lamb is reserved. The moms and their lambs are listed below in the order of the moms’ ages. ALL 2023 BABYDOLL LAMBS HAVE BEEN SOLD!

Here’s a short video of the lambs in motion …

Nina x Kerry 3/28/23

Nina was a champ again this year delivering twins – a ram and a ewe. Super spunky just like their mom.

Jane x Kerry 3/22/23

Jane delivered twin girls very conveniently in daylight this year. Not quite as hefty as last year – which is a good thing.

Sara x Kerry 4/6/23

For as long as she kept us waiting her girls were not oversized. She delivered easily and is a great mom. Because the lambs grow quickly her girls look tiny compared to the older lambs.

Dixie x Kerry 3/31/23

Dixie’s doing a great job with her bouncy little twin girls. They have quite dark leg coloring.

Dayna x Bennet 4/5/23

The only anticipated black Babydoll lamb this year is a cutey! Louisa arrived just after 1:00 am.

Estelle x Kerry 4/4/23

Estelle had just one lamb this year, but a big one at 8#10oz. Very attentive momma!

Ivy x Kerry 3/26/23

Ivy is doing fine as a first time mom. Plant nerds might appreciate her baby’s name more than others.

Isabelle x Kerry 3/22/23

Isabelle (formerly called Baby Belle), is quite the little momma to her baby girl, Layla.

For information on reserving a lamb click here.
