2023 Babydoll Lambs

There were some issues with some black ewes not conceiving so the number of Babydoll lambs arriving this spring will be less than usual. As of April 19th – all ewes have delivered and I have a good number of ewe lambs available – but my only ram lamb is reserved. The moms and their lambs are listed below in the order of the moms’ ages. ALL 2023 BABYDOLL LAMBS HAVE BEEN SOLD!

Here’s a short video of the lambs in motion …

Nina x Kerry 3/28/23

Nina was a champ again this year delivering twins – a ram and a ewe. Super spunky just like their mom.

Jane x Kerry 3/22/23

Jane delivered twin girls very conveniently in daylight this year. Not quite as hefty as last year – which is a good thing.

Sara x Kerry 4/6/23

For as long as she kept us waiting her girls were not oversized. She delivered easily and is a great mom. Because the lambs grow quickly her girls look tiny compared to the older lambs.

Dixie x Kerry 3/31/23

Dixie’s doing a great job with her bouncy little twin girls. They have quite dark leg coloring.

Dayna x Bennet 4/5/23

The only anticipated black Babydoll lamb this year is a cutey! Louisa arrived just after 1:00 am.

Estelle x Kerry 4/4/23

Estelle had just one lamb this year, but a big one at 8#10oz. Very attentive momma!

Ivy x Kerry 3/26/23

Ivy is doing fine as a first time mom. Plant nerds might appreciate her baby’s name more than others.

Isabelle x Kerry 3/22/23

Isabelle (formerly called Baby Belle), is quite the little momma to her baby girl, Layla.

For information on reserving a lamb click here.