The season has come to hunker down and wait for the lambs. It has been over three (average estrus) cycles since we combined the rams and their ladies and the first ultrasounds have been done. Below are the breeding pens and what is known about timing and number of lambs and also info on expected colors. I’m working on newer photos of each flock member, but meanwhile, you can see their faces. The flock is comprised of some Finn x Babydoll sheep for their gorgeous wool and friendliness – and some are purebred Babydoll Southdown, prized for their small size, cuteness and superior orchard management behavior.

To check out lamb prices and reservation policy click here.

Lancelot (100% Babydoll)

This is Lance’s second season so he is senior ram. He did a fine job last year and I’m keeping one of his girls.

His ladies follow…

Nina is my oldest ewe and flock leader. Her son is this year’s white Babydoll ram so she is being bred to Lance. She has typically had nice long fleece and you can see her nice topline in the photo. She is likely to have both white and black lambs. Twins are expected around March 22nd.

Bashful lives up to her name – she is shy, but a great momma. The photo shows her fuzzy face and her beautifully fading fleece. No lambs detected even at January ultrasound.

Dayna is Nina’s daughter and, just like her, is a character! She is highly apple motivated. Nice heavy fleece!

A single lamb was detected and it is expected to arrive around April 3rd. It will most likely be black.

Kenzie is shown here as a youngster with her twin brother. Since then she’s grown into a full-sized ewe who was a very attentive momma to her first lamb, Norbert, last spring.

A single lamb was detected with delivery expected around March 30th. Blackness is expected.

Lindsey (foreground) was a teenage mom this last season and did a great job with her son, Nikolas. She is Noah’s sister (Nina’s daughter) so is being bred to Lance instead.

Her ultrasound showed at least one lamb due around April 5th. We don’t know yet if she can bear black lambs so 50% chance (or more) of being white.

Noah (100% Babydoll)

Noah is shown here as a half-grown lamb with his mom, Nina. His head is still flat and his ears well set. I hope his fleece resembles hers!

He was quick to learn his role as ram and 2 of his ladies were bred within 72 hours. Details below…

Dixie is one pretty ewe! She is daughter to a former favorite, Sara, and, like her, typically has twins.

She came through again! Twins expected around March 22nd. At least 75% chance each will be white.

Ivy is one of my larger ewes but is gentle, yet protective of her lambs. Beautiful long and heavy fleece.

She was bred early and is expecting twins to arrive around March 25th. Very high probability of white fleeces on them.

Isabelle is one of my smaller ewes – they are very similar so 1″ apparently makes a difference in pecking order. She’s an independent soul, but sweet.

She’s set to lamb a single a bit later than some – around March 29th. At Least 75% of it being white.

Libby accompanied Lindsey down the road of unsanctioned pregnancies as a yearling. She did just fine with her single daughter.

She was bred right away and is expected to deliver a single around March 23rd. At least 75% chance of being white.

Maxwell is completing his second year as white FinnX ram. He and his sisters, Maxine & Madasyn, all have gorgeous fleeces.

He is 63%Finn and 37% Babydoll – in the sweet spot in my opinion – nice long yet dense fleece with sheen, bulk up better than straight Finn, somewhat higher lambs born per pregnancy. He has yet to sire a brown lamb so I believe he carries 2 black alleles beneath that white fleece.

Unless stated otherwise, each ewe below is 63 to 69%Finn.

Daria is a long time favorite. She is 75%Finn and has a beautifully fading charcoal fleece. She often has more lambs (4-5!) than she can successfully nurse on her own so we have lovely memories of bottle babies from her.

She is expecting 2 or more lambs to be born around March 17th. Likely 50% white and 50% black.

Daphne, Daria’s sister (75%Finn), has an absolutely gorgeous brown fleece and typically is able to feed triplets on her own. I’ve retained her brown daughter, Odessey from her ’24 triplets (shown to left).

She was bred right away and is expecting at least 2 lambs around March 16th. This match will tell us if Max carries the brown gene. If he isn’t, then each lamb has 50% chance of being white and 50% chance of being black.

Deone is my last 50/50 flock member. She gets sheered once a year and has phenomenal wool!

We think she is due around April 8th with 2 or 3 lambs. Lambs each 50% chance of being white, otherwise black – except if Max is carrying brown allele. She carries the HST pattern, but it quite mild in expression – just a swoop on the forehead.

Elly Mae is my highest % Finn at 7/8 (88%). She has wonderfully lustrous, soft wool and typically 3 or 4 lambs.

Elly Mae was bred right away and is expecting 2 (or more) lambs around March 16th. Each will have 75% chance of being white.

Fortuosity (Tuoey) is a leader and a great mom. She has been delivering quads so am dubious of the ultrasound results. Lovely fleece.

Tuoey was ultrasounded with 2 lambs to arrive around March 22nd. 75% chance of any one lamb being white. Not likely to birth brown babies.

Flossie is showing off her markings here – white on head, socks and tail (HST). She passes these on to her lambs for cutest babies ever!

She was bred early with ultrasound showing just one lamb(?!) due around March 16th. Because Max’s white trumps black, babies have 50% chance of being white, 50% black. Sure hoping for at least one black/HST baby.

Harriet (a.k.a. Princess) is also 63%Finn. So far she has been conservative and borne just 2 lambs per pregnancy. Lovely wool!

She was bred right away and her 2 (or more) lambs are expected around March 17th.

Marla is 75% Finn but delivered a reasonable 2 lambs as a first time mom in 2024. One was black so she has a single white allele. Lambs still have 75% chance of being white.

This gal is expecting at least 2 lambs in the neighborhood of March 23rd (along with all the Babydolls).

Oliver is a young’un but this is an older image – will replace as possible. His brownness will let me determine the color genetics of a few of his ladies.

He is Daria’s son and 69% Finn…treading that fine line between long fiber length and too many babies plus browsing tendencies.

Heliana has gifted me with some phenomenal fleeces – generally longer than 3″ over the bulk of the blanket area for a 6 month clip and silver gray. I kept her daughter, Petra, from ’24 triplets and look forward to future of great fleeces!

Bred right away and expecting 2 (or more) lambs around March 16th. She carries brown so lambs have 50% chance of being black 50% chance of being brown.

Janelle is typically shorn once a year so is often wider than her pen mates. She didn’t lamb last year and she’s open so far, even at January 2nd ultrasound, but hoping for better news with the next.

Janessa is Janelle’s twin and brown whereas Janelle is black. She had twins in 2024. Although she is 63% Finn, she exhibits some of her Babydoll heritage in shorter yet very dense fleece.

She is expecting twins (or more) around March 22nd and all will likely be brown.

Maxine is also brown, but darker and more Finn-like than Janessa. This will be her first pregnancy and I can’t wait to see her in the role of mother!

She was bred a bit later with 1(?) lamb to arrive around April 2nd. It/they are expected to be brown.

Madasyn is Maxwell & Maxine’s littermate and shares their propensity to produce phenomenal fleece. She was a bottle baby and is quite the character. This pairing with Oliver will help tell us if she carries the brown gene/allele.

Still no lambs detected in second ultrasound – too sassy to submit we’re thinking. We’ll keep you posted when we recheck!
