As I’ve already mentioned on the Finn x page – the ewes are oddly slow to lamb this year. Except Nina a frequent outlier ;-).
3/18/25 Nina x Lancelot
Nina lambed a full 4 days early, but we were glad she did. She is an older ewe (13 yrs old) and having difficulty maintaining body condition. With babies on the outside we can help her feed them and try to put some weight back on her. This will be her last breeding, which is sad as she has so much to contribute to the flock in wool and conformation traits. She’s a favorite so will be retired and kept. We figure her kids will be raised by humans (not wolves) so gave them some unusual names. Both bottle babies.

3/22/25 Dixie x Noah
Noah is Nina’s son so we hope to keep incorporating additional greatness from her into the flock.

3/23/25 Ivy x Noah
Another set of twins found out and standing after bottle feeding and morning chores in the greenhouse nursery. Ivy, you rock!

3/24/25 Libby x Noah
Libby birthed her singleton daughter all by herself and she’s a delightful little lady.