2015 Babydoll Sheep 4 Sale (Updated 8/3/15)

The lambs received their second CD&T vaccinations on May 22nd and are separated from their moms now. It’s time to fledge some of them to greener, or at least different, pastures. Since I am nearing my capacity for overwintering animals, I will only be retaining Audrey.  The prices for lambs are:  $400 per ewe (Abigail, Adrien, and April), $250 for RR rams (Abner) , and $200 for QR rams (Amos). If more than one animal is purchased the second and any subsequent animals will be discounted $25. All of the lambs except the wether are NABSSAR registered.

Adult sheep: I also have a proven black ram for sale @ $250. J. C. (D.O.B. 2/15/12) is RR and has sired some wonderful lambs for me over the last two years. He also has the most gorgeous fleece. . . SOLD

Also from last year’s lamb crop, I have a pretty black ewe, Rachel (D.O.B 4/11/14) for sale at $375.  RESERVED

As of August 3rd, I still have 3 ewes lambs, and 2 ram lambs for sale.  Check out the page under Babydoll sheep to see the parentage of each and additional photos.  The prices listed there are for individual sheep – remember the quantity discount for additional sheep to the same buyer.  See also the page on how to reserve a lamb.  Ashley, the cost of health certificate is included in the price – sorry for my lapse.

Adam at 35 days

Adam at 35 days

Annabelle at 33 days.

Annabelle at 33 days.

P15-0794c Amos

Amos looking studly at 2 months.

P15-0789c Andy on mowing detail

Andy on mowing detail at 2 months.


Adrien at 2 months

Adrien at 2 months

Abigail at 2 months

Abigail at 2 months

Abner at 36 days.

Abner at 36 days.


Baby Annika at 2 months.

Baby Annika at 2 months.

J. C. looking regal.

J. C. looking regal.

Miss Rachel at 13 month.s

Miss Rachel at 13 months. Daughter of Hattie and J.C. and twin to Rhonda.

4 thoughts on “2015 Babydoll Sheep 4 Sale (Updated 8/3/15)

    • Hi, Rita – thanks for your interest.
      The answer depends on what animals you are interested in. I have many colors and both sexes of the Finn x Babydolls. But only white rams/ wethers of the Babydolls. Finn crosses are $500 fir ewes, $350 for ram, and $200 for wethers. Babydoll rams are $400 and wethers $200.
      Let me know if I can help you out. I’m in far southeastern Minnesota and you would be responsible for arranging transportation.
      Hope to talk with you soon.

  1. Your sheep are so sweet and beautiful! I love to see them!
    I wish I had a huge yard I would get several!
    Thank you!
    God bless

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